A one-on-one conversation

Today I'm going to talk about a person who I would like to have a conversation with. This person was a great leader and one of the most important heroes of the history of Latin America and the entire world. His name was Ernesto "Che" Guevara, alias the Commander Che Guevara. I tihnk that everyone in the class know at least one or two things about him, he form part of our conversations when we talk about history or revolutions and also latin movies (Diarios de motocicleta). I don't know when I listened his name for the first time, but during the years I have learnt a lot about his life. Right now I'm seing a series documentary called "Cuba Libre", where they talk a lot about his participation in the cuban Revolution till his death in Bolivia in 1967.

The reason of why I would like to have a conversation with Che Guevara is because his critical look of the reality that he was living in Latin America. Let's not forget that he was studying Medicine in Buenos Aires when he decided at the age of 24 to travel across America in motocycle with his friend Alberto.

Even tough he shared a lot of ideas with Fidel Castro, he was more revolutionary than him. He wanted a global revolution in the "third world", unlike Fidel that wanted to protect and make grow Cuba. He was so critical that despite declaring himself as a comunnist, he strongly criticized the communist party and the USSR. So the questions that I would like to ask him would be about what mechanisms he think that are the bests to unite Latin America and after Africa to fight against the imperialism of United States. Also what are the advantages and disadvantages that we have right now and they didn't have before. I could and also would like to talk about him for days, weeks, years,...


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