Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Resultado de imagen para arquitectura sustentable
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When I started thinking about my future, in my mind generated many options to develop
professionally. First, i wanted
study geology, many years have this idea. Principally, because I love the earth, as much as dedicate my life. The processes and the landscape is amazing. However exist inside of my a artistic side, that i could never forget and neither combine to geology. Since I was a girl pint and draw all the day. When I grow continue in this, ever. The ability to create something new, different and innovative. Understand that I cant combine the artistic side with the earth, and this road to me is the arquitecture. First, create proyect's that generate a feel in the dweller that remember to earth, for exemple a cavern or canon. Secondly, help to develop sustainable arquitecture, fundamentally to help the earth and recover the people life in the city.

Imagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen para cañon


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