
Showing posts from April, 2019
I have never been good at watching series, but In 2013 on the channel "history channel" premiered the series Vikings, and it stole my heart. This series is about the story of some Vikings who explore new places and live their lives as Vikings, wich is very interesting. Since the first chapter I got a lot of attention it had never happened to me with another series. Since the first season I could not stop seeing it more a lthough after that it was no longer broadcast on open television or sometimes for time i couldn't see it. Then, I started watching it online and saw all the episodes on the opening day. Currently there are 5 seasons, obviously I saw them all and I hope they come out more.
M y favorite piece of technology is the camara.  Since I was a child I've been interested in photography and cameras. When I was a child my grandfather had  a camera, He preserved many moments of my childhood and I liked.  I had a four camaras in my life. First, I had a analog camera, later I had a Nikon coolpix and after a Canon T6. At present I have a Nikon 5500, I love it. I use the camara mainly when I travel,  when I'm going to meet a new place, I go with it,  even more when I travel outside Santiago or Chile .  With it I have preserved many beautiful moments and  wonderful places. I like it the camara because its a article that not generate "technogolical dependence" and serve me to remember. without it my trips would be less remembered. This is a photograph that I captured in a beautiful place.
Why did you choose the career you're studying? When I was a child for many years I wanted study geology, also when i was finished the school, It was a dream because I loved the earth and all its processes . The year 2015 I take a PSU and decided have a sabbatical year. The next year my options changed and that time I have two options in my mind, first architecture and second geography. The year 2016 after to take a test I decided enter to arquitecure because i like the art and create things. I was two years in arquitecture but with the passage of the time unbderstood that i was not mine. So I change to geography, my second option. This opitions was similary to geology but  with other things that I liked, for example the social skills. At present, I love the geograpy it was the best decision to change. I like everything I learn. In the future I would like to work in somthing related to the earth for expemple the geomorphology or glaciology.
My name is Julieta Maregatti Fernandez, I was born in Santiago on October 23 in 1997. I have lived in many places, first lived with my grandsparent in Conchalí there i was in the kindgarden the Araucarias. After i went to lived alone with my parents in center to santiago. When i was 7 year old enter to study in Colegio Nuestra Señora de Andacollo. I have very goods memories of this place. I played in the school volleyball team and also danced at the anniversary parties. I had many friends there but now  dont see because i have a little time for the university. In 2017 I entered to study in the University of Chile. I was 2 years in architecture and i met very beatiful people but i dont like the Arquitecture then I change to Geography and currently Im very happy.